Why People Who Memorize Vocabulary Lists Fail to Become Fluent

by on 26 November, 2014

This post is part of a series of posts dedicated to revealing and explaining the 8 strategic components of a learning system that yields continuous progress with minimal effort. Linguistic research frequently makes use of large databases of frequency data among words in a language. These databases organize and compile words as functions of frequencies of being used together […]

Just How Important is Grammar?

by on 24 November, 2014

This post is part of a series of posts dedicated to revealing and explaining the 8 strategic components of a learning system that yields continuous progress with minimal effort. Grammar. The part of language learning that everybody dreads. Is it really as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be, though? When you first start learning a […]

The Ultimate Guide to Language Learning

by on 22 November, 2014

This post marks the first of a series of posts dedicated to revealing and explaining the 8 strategic components of a learning system that yields continuous progress with minimal effort. Language learning is one of those subjects that elicits heated debate, both among learners and teachers. Unfortunately, all this debate ends up detracting from the original purpose of […]